Design thinking is comprised of 5 non-linear steps that are designed to help organizations and designers address rapidly changing markets and consumer expectations. Here is a general overview of each step and how they work together.
The process begins by understanding and empathizing with the people who will use the product or service.
Design thinkers seek to gain insights into users' experiences, needs, and challenges.
Based on the information gathered during the empathize phase, the problem is defined in a human-centric manner.
This involves synthesizing the collected data to create a clear and concise problem statement.
This phase involves generating a wide range of possible solutions to the defined problem.
Brainstorming sessions and creative thinking techniques are commonly used to encourage diverse and innovative ideas.
Design thinkers create tangible representations of their ideas to quickly and cheaply test them.
Prototypes can take various forms, from sketches and wireframes to physical models, depending on the nature of the solution.
Prototypes are tested with actual users to gather feedback and insights.
The goal is to understand what works well, what needs improvement, and to iterate on the design accordingly.